Welcome to Foundation Jireh Inc

It's a non-profit Christian based organization that helps the homeless population of Madison WI. The foundation provides meals and clothes for those in need.

About Us

My name is Teresa Teran, I am a missionary and the director of the Jireh Inc Foundation. This is how we began. It was in 2011 that God chose to give me revelation through dreams repeatedly over a long period of time. And I dared to answer God and said to him, if you go with me, I will go; and if you do not go, do not count on me

Thus, God provided proof to me and showed me and told me, 'I am the one who keeps you in all your ways. And in my hands I carry you, so that your foot may not strike against a stone.' Psalms 91:11-12

At that moment, I committed myself to the Almighty God. And He gave me an order to go to downtown Madison to feed the people who have no home, no roof to sleep under. And He told me, 'You will meet artists, teachers, priests, painters, poets, writers.' He made me a promise and told me, 'I will restore them and reintegrate them into their families and society, and I will integrate them into their jobs.

And there we are to date, contemplating the glory of God who is working, transforming the lives of souls. Rescuing them from drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, in short, pulling them out of street life. God has been manifested greatly.

Ver Video

The vision is to establish an efficient leadership infrastructure. The minister or leader must be responsible for articulating the language of the ministry's vision in a clear, concise, and simple manner. The purpose of this is to create a consistent and logical framework that empowers employees and volunteers to engage in the decision-making process that reflects the heart and vision of the Minister.

It is initially organized to teach and preach the gospel to all people, conduct evangelical activities, and license and ordain ministers of the gospel, facilitate rehabilitation through various forms of support, provide religious, charitable, and humanitarian services, and also to engage in activities that are necessary, suitable, or convenient for achieving this purpose, or those which are incidental to or connected with, those that are consistent with the vision.



Hours Of Support




With stylists from the community and our surroundings. When there is a grateful heart, there is a willingness no matter the distance. And when there is love, no matter whom you serve, regardless of race or creed, color or nationality, rich or poor. This is what the word of God tells us: love your neighbor as yourself. 'Then Jesus called them to him and said: You know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you, but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” S. Mateo 20:25-28


Community dining hall


Your donation is a testament to your commitment to our mission. Thank you for trusting us and supporting our work!

Meals & Clothes

  • Clothes, jackets, shoes
2417 Adler Cir, Middleton, WI 53562


  • You can donate time as a volunteer

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can participate in the Jireh Inc Foundation?

veryone, regardless of race, creed, color, or nationality.

2. What age can you participate as a volunteer?

All ages

3. How can I help the Jireh Inc Foundation?

A) With financial support B) Donating clothes, shoes, blankets, jackets C) You can donate your time as a volunteer.

4. Who receives the help?

Help is received by anyone in need.

5. Where are we located?

2417 Adler Cir, Middleton, WI 53562

6. Where do we work?

In the streets of Madison

7. At what time?

Throughout the four seasons of the year


Mila Zometa

Crafts teacher

The foundation is my great blessing to be able to serve people in need.

Daniel Gomez

Assistant cook

We are serving in this community

Kimberly Leon


Speaks English and Spanish, it is a blessing. To believe and grow is something important that brings us to freedom and to our aspirations./p>

Samuel Teran


This great blessing of contemplating the power of God in the life of each human being.



I thank God and the Jireh Foundation for coming to help us, the people who need a transformation from the inside out. Today, I feel a smile that comes from the heart, grateful to God for what He is doing and what He will do in my life. No matter what I am going through, that is Trust.

Patricia Plata

I am a Mexican mother of three sons who arrived almost 30 years ago in this beautiful state of Wisconsin and a full-time worker. I am a member of this non-profit foundation dedicated to helping those in greatest need.

I am someone who enjoys serving the community. Eight years ago, I joined this group to give a bit of my time and feel useful by sharing what we have. I have faced difficulties along the way, tough situations, but I continue to stand, giving what I know how to do.

This foundation was inspired to help those who need it most, and as long as there are people in need, we will be here.

Stephen Drucker

It was after a year of service with the Jireh Foundation that I realized that the name comes from the Old Testament book of Genesis chapter 22: 'Jehovah-jireh'.

What I learned and witnessed while serving at the foundation is that God provides and feeds the hungry in our community through the hands of our volunteers. Every time I volunteer, it's an opportunity for me to say yes to God with my mouth and yes to God with action.

My heart and mind are transformed each time we serve, and the blessing we receive is recognizing the face of Christ in those we serve.



2417 Adler Cir, Middleton, WI 53562

Call Us

+1 (608) 381-9563

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Always open

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